Broecker, Wallace S.,

The great ocean conveyor : discovering the trigger for abrupt climate change - USA Princeton University Press 2010 - xvi, 154 p

CH 1 The Setting
CH 2 A Surprise
CH 3 The Villain
CH 4 Puzzles
CH 5 Hot Clues
CH 6 The Solution
CH 7 A Confirmation
CH 8 The Last Hurrah
CH 9 Holocene Wobbles
CH 10 The Anthropocene

Wally Broecker is one of the world's leading authorities on abrupt global climate change. More than two decades ago, he discovered the link between ocean circulation and climate change, in particular how shutdowns of the Great Ocean Conveyor--the vast network of currents that circulate water, heat, and nutrients around the globe--triggered past ice ages. Today, he is among the researchers exploring how our planet's climate system can abruptly "flip-flop" from one state to another, and who are weighing the implications for the future. InThe Great Ocean Conveyor, Broecker introduces readers to the science of abrupt climate change while providing a vivid, firsthand account of the field's history and development.

